49: Another Side of Mount Gay w/ Jacklyn Broomes & Maggie Campbell

49: Another Side of Mount Gay w/ Jacklyn Broomes & Maggie Campbell


In this episode, we chat with Jacklyn Broomes (Agricultural Manager) and Maggie Campbell (Estate Rum Manager) about all things agriculture and sustainability at Mount Gay (along with a few hints at what to expect from the estate rum program in the future).

Topics covered include:

  • How Jackie and Maggie both ended up working at Mount Gay (and a closer look at each of their roles)

  • The vision behind Mount Gay’s agriculture and estate rum programs

  • How Mount Gay intends to use their sugarcane and the molasses that comes from it

  • Why sustainability should be more than a buzzword to rum enthusiasts

  • How to balance doing something totally new at a distillery with such a long history and established styles/traditions

  • The life of luxury enjoyed by the estate’s pampered honey bees

  • The other crops you might be surprised to find growing on the estate (it’s more than just sugarcane)

  • What to watch for next from Mount Gay

Relevant Links:

50: Our Top 6 Takeaways from 50 Episodes of The Rumcast

50: Our Top 6 Takeaways from 50 Episodes of The Rumcast

48: Building the Perfect Rum Flight

48: Building the Perfect Rum Flight